Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Guitars, Quilts, and Notes

I have posted two videos of guitar. In both I was playing pretty simple stuff. I decided to record a little solo piece. I'm playing a clip of "Heartbeats" by Jose Gonzalez. For a full video you can check out this link . My version is not nearly as smooth. I don't think I'll ever be able to play as well as this guy, but I strive to. He has a lot of awesome guitar stuff in his songs. I would recommend checking out other stuff if this song appeals to you.

I finally finished the quilt for my bed. It's been mostly done for three weeks. It just needed the binding (edging for non quilters), but I hadn't gotten around to making it. My motivation was needing a blanket to replace my comforter. Andy was over this past weekend and got really sick. I needed to wash my sheets/comforter to avoid catching his horrible illness. I didn't get around to washing them so I just swapped sheets and finished the quilt to throw on top. I don't know how I feel about it anymore. I think it's doing the opposite of growing on me. But anywho, here is a picture. My bed looks sad with only one pillow, but the others have germ-infested cases, so they are in the laundry basket.

My apartment came with a complimentary refrigerator whiteboard deal. I use it to write myself notes and shopping lists, but as more people have come to visit, it's collected more and more notes from others. I don't want to erase them, so I let them accumulate. The result is that I have less and less space to write my lists and notes, but more and more amusing and/or pleasant notes/drawings to see. If you want to leave a note, you'd better come over soon. Space is dwindling quickly.


  1. Good job :) Told ya' you're a better player than you think you are....

  2. Nice going, that's some mighty fine guitarin'.
