My silliness comes in similar fashions, but can also be found in more subtle places.
I think one of the reasons Andy and I go so well together is that he is equally silly. I gave him the shirt in the picture. It was an old one of mine that I never actually wore. I think it suits him better anyway.
I also enjoy finding the silliness in everyday life. Sometimes you can find it in the weirdest places. Like my own back yard. I think this is the world's happiest chemical sprayer.
I don't always think people get my humor, but sometimes that makes it more entertaining. The trade-off is that I get to have more fun confusing people, but then have to deal with them thinking I have some sort of mental handicap.
I think the best way to conclude this post is with a silly story. In college I took a guitar class. The professor asked me to come out for a drink with him after the semester ended (this is a whole other story in itself, but to save time: no, i never fooled around with my professor or spent any additional time with him beside this one day). He was originally from Mexico and while we were walking to a cafe, he asked me to let him walk on my left side which put him between me and the street with the buildings on my other side. He explained that it was because in Mexico there are wild dogs all over, some of which will come up and try to attack pedestrians. His culture raised him to protect women by putting them out of harms way: the buildings to protect one side and the man to protect on the other. This custom was still with him, so he felt most comfortable in this position. I consented to his request and let him walk on the outside. About thirty seconds after we switched and he explained the logic, a car came barreling out of an alley on the other side between a split in the shops. It came about two feet from hitting me. How silly that he should switch spots in an effort to protect me, only to have the put me in more danger than I was in originally.
I'm glad to see that even after having a real job, your still the silly Nicole that I know an love.