Monday, May 27, 2013

Filling the Quota

I don't really have a whole lot to talk about in this post, but as the title says, I'm filling my quota.

Last time I blogged about my amazing pizza. This time I will talk about my new craze: guacamole chicken salad sandwiches. I have been making a modified version of guacamole. I use lemon juice instead of lime because it seems like the avocado lasts longer this way. I think it might be the same concept as keeping sliced apples from turning brown by keeping them in water/lemon juice mixture. I also puree some squash and cucumber and maybe radish and asparagus in with the guac. I mix a couple table spoons of that in with a couple ounces of chicken. Add the bread, a slice or provolone, some slices of green pepper and some slices of squash or cumber and viola! It's delicious.

I recently watched Into the Wild. The soundtrack was all done by the same dude. I'm being vague so as not to completely give the answer away to this name that tune. I decided to try to learn one of the songs. I only have the first little bit learned, and I am playing it quite a bit slower than the real version. Your challenge is to tell me who the artist is and which song this is. Hint: the song is all vocals.... aaaaaannnnddd GO

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The most amazing pizza

Today I made probably the best homemade pizza I've ever had. The crust was some that I had made a long time ago and pulled out of the freezer. It was a whole wheat dough with cornmeal and chopped almonds.

For the sauce I made a slightly modified guacamole dip. Avocado, lemon juice, a few slices of cucumber, a couple spears of asparagus, a couple slices of jalapeno, garlic, and black pepper. Then I sprinkled about 1/2 a cup of mozzarella on top of that. Next came some slices of red pepper, asparagus, a diced radish, slices of cucumber, a roma tomato, a bit of coriander, and basil. It was amazing.