Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's been awhile since I've posted. I figured I have a good excuse with xmas taking up a lot of time. I went down to Fairmont with Andy on the 24th. We made it in to town as it was raining but before it could freeze the roads. The drive took about fifteen minutes longer than it should have....which is 25% longer than normal. We celebrated xmas with my dad, Annette, and Branch that night. It has been a tradition to go to my grandma's house on xmas , but for the first time in my nearly 23 year existence, we had to reschedule. The weather was terrible and we spent to whole day inside having our family xmas. The only time all day that I went outside was to trek down the street to ask the people who were plowing the apartment parking lot if they would mind doing our driveway quick since my mom's snowblower had broke, been repaired, and broke one more time in trying to get our driveway cleared.

The 26th was spent at my Grandma's house. I had to dig Andy's car out--a plow had trapped him in-- and after thirty minutes of digging and then a bit of pushing, we were ready to go. ...or so we thought. We needed to get gas and got stuck again coming out of the parking lot. A nice lady helped me push and we got unstuck within a couple minutes. The normally thirty minute drive to Gram's house took forty five minutes. Andy finally met most of the extended family and there seemed to be general approval in both directions.

We headed back up to Mankato on Saturday only to leave for Andy's mom's the next morning. We had a nice steak dinner and played cards. Then we headed back down to Mankato. I think we're both looking forward to not travelling for a long time.

All in all it was a pretty ok time and it was good to be able to see all the family again. I brought my camera down with me, but didn't take any pictures....oops.

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