This weekend was spent in Minneapolis with Andy at his mom's house. I have met his mother a couple of times, but we've never spent a large period of time together. I had a lot of fun with both of them. On Friday night Andy and I went out with some of his coworkers. It was nice to spend time with them since I hear basically everything that happens with them from Andy (someone likes to complain). I had a good time.
saturday we cleaned out a bunch of boxes that Andy had in the basement. We trashed a bunch of stuff and sorted out what would come with when he moves in in two weeks. Then we had a nice supper and played cribbage and hearts with his mom. I haven't played hearts a whole lot and it makes me really nervous. For some reason it stresses me out far more than it ought to trying to develop some sort of strategy, but it was fun none the less. Then
sunday we cleaned out a bit more stuff, dropped a bunch off at good will, played some scrabble, had another nice supper, and I headed home with 6 boxes of stuff to unpack.
My job today was to spend time unpacking. It kept me busy most of the morning, but it's work I enjoy so I had an
ok time. I
listened to a Stephen King interview on
MPR while I worked. Daniel Came over at three thirty. I stole Shanna's idea of visiting Rasmussen Woods-a park area in
Mankato- so he and I headed there right away. I'd never been there before but it was fun. We only walked one trail because we were scared of getting lost and it started to rain. I intend on investing more time exploring the area in the future.
I haven't made any new guitar videos and I don't have any new pictures. So to make up for the lack I'll link you to a video I enjoy. I came across it randomly and have no idea who the girl is, but I like the song a lot. I have a feeling it won't impress a lot of you. But I hope at least a few will enjoy it like I do. Sometimes music can do great things for you or to you. They can stir up feelings that you can't even name. Even if you don't know what the song is about....sometimes even if you don't even know the lyrics. Those are the really good songs. Even if their effects do not last forever.