Thursday, February 4, 2010

I hate titles

I've been very tired lately. It probably doesn't help that I work all the time, but that's not going to change any time soon. For the next couple of weeks I'm supposed to work about five hours extra, and I've been working ten hours every weekend for Jackson Hewitt. Gotta love the 55 hour weeks.

Sometime it's so discouraging to know that some things don't change no matter where you work (this is not in regards to the number of hours worked, but rather how frustrating office politics can be). I'm still much happier overall than I was at the mortuary despite how frustrating things can be at the current place. Still though, it's terrible that people can be so disappointing by always fitting the stereotypes that are set for them.

This week I tried on the "rustic female pirate" costume and there was a lot of joking around about me trying on the "Sequin Flapper" costume. The latter, however, never happened.

I've posted a video. I'm playing "clothes of sand" by Nick Drake. I haven't been playing the guitar much at all lately so I'm getting out of practice. But for your listening pleasure...

I was supposed to have a lot of play dates this week with people who were going to come in from out of town. All of them failed miserably because of the stupid weather. I'm pretty sure it can stop being crappy out any time soon. I'm not the biggest fan of driving on ice rinks...


  1. This is sort of random, but if there is a place to put random stuff I can't find it. I got a new computer and thus lost your blog address. Em told me it was simple or something. I typed that in and there was a picture of a rather awkward kid, and it took me an embarassingly long time to firgure out what was going on and that it was not your blog. So I'm really glad you don't have a four year old nor are using your blog to critique kids appearences.

  2. Maybe i should devote my blog to critiqueing young children. It might make it more interesting.
