Thursday, December 9, 2010

Oh X-mas Tree, O X-mas Tree

I bet you are expecting to see a picture of a tree on this post.....Well too bad. I haven't taken a picture of it yet. I will get around to it though. I have a story to go with it.

I got a membership at the YMCA and have been playing a ton of racquetball. I'm also considering signing up for the "lazyman triathlon" in which you have five weeks to do 26 miles of running, 2.5 miles of swimming, and 112 miles of biking which I do not currently recall. I might need some motivation though. So let's hear it..... please.

I guess it is an acceptable time to reveal the title of the first "name that tune." The song is (supposed to be) "Fade to Black" by Metallica. The bit I'm playing is the main verse cord progression. I'll wait one more post to reveal the second song.

Now please enjoy the third: I think this one is fairly recognizable. It came out in the 1997 and was written by the lead singer of a popular rock band.


  1. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day :)

  2. That's a lot to get done in 5 weeks, but if anyone could get it done I know you could tough it out. You're tough, like a camel's toe.

    Also, enjoyable guitar-ing, I like it. (y)
