Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Collected Works of Nicole Larson

Today I was thinking about all the things I had to write throughout my schooling. Then I thought about what it would look like if they made a library stocked solely with things I had created. To give you a brief glimpse into the library, I will supply you with a short list of titles:

"Loud Mouth Peter and the Big Coloring Contest" circa 1st grade (title blatantly copied from a Nancy Carlson book)

"The Life of Me" an autobiography circa 3rd grade

"Santa Hired Cows" a christmas story circa 5th grade

and more recently....

"How I know Hitler Drove a Volkswagon Beetle" circa 11th grade

and unofficially titled

"A day in My Life at the Prison Camp" circa 12th grade in which I discuss the pros of hard labor, poor living conditions, and little food.

I think I should strongly consider developing this library.

On a more normal note....my life at the moment: my computer died so I had to send it in to get repaired. I'm currently using my old computer which is slow, has a poorly functioning b button, and, and has randomly and inconsistently working volume (perhaps you recall the post about said computer from a few years ago). I should get the computer back in 7-10 business days. I'm not exactly sure what happened to it, but it stopped charging the battery and then started shutting off at random. Now it won't stay on for more than 20 minutes at a time. Stupid.

I also still never got a new camera either, so I don't have any new photos to add.

I finally got my motorcycle moved into storage this weekend. I friend is letting me keep it in her garage up here. I haven't been able to ride for nearly a month because it's been leaking gas. Now it refuses to start, so it appears I have to learn how to fix motorcycles over the winter. I had to load it on to a trailer and strap it down for the drive over to Erin's. It was interesting to say the least.

Work is still going ok, but in the past 2 weeks, 2 people have quit, so we're not doing the best on staffing. Anyone want to work at Mayo?

Other than that, it's been same old same old. Hopefully next time I write it will be on my repaired laptop...And who know, maybe I'll get that camera and add some pictures....


  1. Nothing beats my report on skunks.

  2. "Santa Hired Cows" is a great title. The premise is clear, but the details unknown.
